Predictions for 2012
Please note that this page is updated manually according to my schedule, so don't panic if you submitted a date and don't see it hear yet, it will show up eventually :-)
Multiple people on the same date are listed in the order in which their choices were received here at the worldwide headquarters of Canoe Lake Ice-out.
The previous year's ice-out date is marked with a ♦.
Current prediction count: approx. 125
Mar 24 (Sat) | Andrew McGuey, Kyle Schinnour |
Mar 25 (Sun) | Robert Boggs, Lynda & Jerry Wilson |
Mar 26 (Mon) | Derek Connelly, Rick McKay |
Mar 27 (Tue) | Christopher White, Sean Murray |
Mar 28 (Wed) | Sandra Matthews, Bob Gibson, Dave Rhind, Dean Purcell |
Mar 29 (Thu) | Kim ???, Mike Ormsby, John & Timea Cameron, Kevin Worsley, Roy Stewart |
Mar 30 (Fri) | Sarah Matthews, Niki Korda, Daniel Frank, Gail Cowling, Linda Leckie, Chris Boettger, Robert Pratten |
Mar 31 (Sat) | Jeffrey McKay, Larkin Ridpath, Doug Gardner |
Apr 01 (Sun) | Brittany Venables, Rob Waywell, Esther Bronson, Julian Andean, Alison George, Chris Suppa, Clark Wierda, Doug Yandala, (Joel Arthurs) |
Apr 02 (Mon) | Gregory Mckay, Rose & Drew Campbell, Sam Barkwell, Sue ???, Andre Gulabsingh |
Here's the current distribution of votes for each date...