I just received this great report from Holly Stewart, who was on Canoe Lake over the Easter weekend:
"Roy and I were up over the Easter weekend and did see some progress of the ice getting more and more rotten. It didn't help to have below freezing temperatures each night though. Also there had been a big snowstorm with an accumulation of at least 6" of new snow on last Wednesday. Enough to insulate the ice.
At the north end of Canoe Lake the ice is out of Wigwam Bay and out from the Ahmek waterfront up to 30 yards. Ghostwalk Creek was not all out though.
In the south we were seeing the ice pull away from the shore up to about 20 feet in places. When we left yesterday the Portage Store bay was still mostly ice covered, although pulling away around the docks and beach.
Bonita was still ice covered yesterday but the river between it and Canoe was open to McMurchie's. All over the lake the ice was going quite grey.
With the heavy rain the next couple of days and warmer temperatures I think it will be out for the weekend. By then Huntsville would have been out for two weeks!"

Canoe Lake ice - Monday, April 25th, 2011. Photo by Roy & Holly Stewart