The Outhouse Daily News Presents
1999 Official Canoe Lake Ice-Out Poll

- (Apr.23) We're at the cottage! Danny Gibson reports that the ice went out late on Tuesday, which means the winner is Arline!
- (Apr.4) Ginny reports that the ice will be off the pond at the Farm tomorrow! In the past, Canoe Lake ice-out has usually occurred 12-16 days after Farm ice-out.
- (April 5) The votes are pouring in! Arline wins the Sincerity Award with the addendum to her April 20 vote: "Also, I should win because I will lord it over others more kindly and stylishly. Please take this into account in your final considerations."
- (April 18) JBR reports that one of Newf's men reports that the ice on Canoe Lake has turned black. The ice went out on Newf's lake yesterday. Newf says that if pattern from past years holds, the ice on Canoe Lake should go out later this week.
- All entries must be sent by e-mail to me by midnight, Thursday, April 8th, 1999. (Entries are sent to Debbie and Jeff)
- If you know of someone who should be included in this poll but does not have email access, feel free to send in their prediction for them.
- Entry must include your name and date of your prediction.
- You cannot duplicate another person's prediction (see below for a list of predictions so far).
- Ice-out is defined as follows: "At least 50% of the lake is clear of ice, by a majority vote of those present."
- Winner is the person whose prediction is the closest.
- Prize: being able to lord it over the others for the rest of the year about your superior knowledge of the lake (and face it...everything else in life).
Earliest recorded ice-out date: April 15.
Latest recorded ice-out date: May 8th.
Past Ice-out Dates:
1989: May 4
1990: April 29
1991: April 28
1992: May 8
1993: April 26
1994: April 27
1995: April 15
1996: May 8
1997: May 8
1998: April 17
Case: April 19
Arline: April 20
HB: April 21
Ginny: April 22
JWR: April 23
JBR: April 24
Lindsay: April 25
Debbie Ridpath: April 28
Debbie Ridpath Ohi: May 1st