I think we may be getting close to ice-out -- possibly this weekend. Things are loosening up and there's a lot of rain and wind in the forecast for the next week.
I had an email from Holly and Roy Stewart on Sunday: "About 3" of slush over 3" solid but quickly candling ice." They sent this photo, from the beach of the P-Store bay...
Canoe Lake, looking north west from the P-Store beach on Sunday, April 27th, 2014. Photo by Roy & Holly Stewart. (Click the image for a larger version.)
And Gord over at Algonquin Outfitters posted a quick update yesterday saying "Lake of Two Rivers: big split down the middle, black ice, likely will open within the next couple of days. Smoke Lake: looking very black but only open around the edges."
I think we'll miss a record-late ice-out (May 8th) by less than a week.