There are a number of people on Canoe Lake now, and some of them are saying the ice will go out "any day now." But I'm not convinced. Between the aerial shots from yesterday's Algonquin Park flight, and reports from a week or so ago of a couple of feet of ice, I think we've got a few more days yet.
My guess now is Saturday, Sunday or Monday.
I'll have a direct line from the West shore of Canoe Lake as of tomorrow (Thu) afternoon -- my father is heading up in the morning to try our old trick of paddling up the river from Bonita Lake and in through the open water along the shore. So look for an on-site report late tomorrow afternoon.
Meanwhile, here's a great aerial shot of Cache Lake taken by
Henry Brown a few days ago.
Cache Lake from the air, April 19th, 2008. [Photo by Henry Brown]